Acupuncture, Yoga, Qigong


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New Year's Retreat with Joo & Martina

Slow. Now. Pure. Clear.

New Year Retreat with Joo TEOH and Martina MERLET

31 December 2020 14h-16h30

1 January 2021         9h-11h30

These four simple words can keep you steady during the transition from a challenging 2020 to an uncertain 2021. Join Martina and Joo for this special online mini retreat. This is an opportunity for you to craft your own plans, create your own ritual, and set the scene for your wisest ambitions for 2021. Through a combination of group practice and individual exercises, we will bring alive the meaning of being slow, being in the present moment, and give you time to distil your thoughts and feelings into pure intentions and clear plans for the future. The workshop will include yoga, qigong, meditation and personal journalling.

Standard: 40€ – This covers our costs but not the cost of providing supported places
Sponsor: 60€ – A voluntary higher rate enabling us to offer supported rate places.
Supported: 20€ – For those unable to afford the standard rate

Please pay the sponsor rate if you can.

If you are unable to afford the supported rate please let us know. We will do our best to ensure that no one is turned away because of lack of funds.